序号 | 题目 | 期刊 | 作者 |
1 | Timing Synchronization System on RF-Driven Neutral Beam Injection System | Fusion Science and Technology | 李洋 |
2 | Conceptual Design of Control System for the Prototype RF-Driven Negative Ion Source at ASIPP | Fusion Science and Technology | 赵远哲 |
3 | Simulation and analysis of charge accumulation characteristics of post insulator of transmission line for the CRAFT NNBI system | Fusion Engineering and Design | 汪日新 |
4 | First Prototype of a Cesium Oven Design for Negative-Ion-Source-Based Neutral Beam Injector at ASIPP | Energies | 刘伟 |
5 | Construction of Data Acquisition and Processing System for Diagnostics Based on TSN Fiber Network at ASIPP NBI System | Fusion Science and Technology | 于玲 |
6 | 射频负离子源中朗缪尔探针诊断系统研制 | 核聚变与等离子体物理 | 彭旭峰 |
7 | Impedance Characteristic Analysis and Preliminary Experimental Results of a High-Power RF Plasma Source | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | 刘波 |
8 | Optical filter–fiber combination based infrared measurement device for surface temperature measurement | Review of Scientific Instruments | 时超 |
9 | Development of Experimental Control System for Regenerative Heating Process of High-Speed Cryo-Adsorption Pump | Fusion Engineering and Design | 王铭翔 |
10 | Development of temperature measurement control unit for cryosorption pump | Fusion Engineering and Design | 王铭翔 |
11 | Thermodynamic simulation and structural optimization of the collimator in the drift duct of EAST-NBI | Nuclear Engineering and Technology | 唐宁 |
12 | Thermal analysis and optimization of the calorimeter verification prototype of a negative ion-based neutral beam injection system | Fusion Engineering and Design | 唐宁 |
13 | 聚变堆中性束注入系统的电偏转器概念设计 | 核技术 | 李超 |
14 | Upgrade of the Neutral Beam Injection System on EAST | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | 谢亚红 |
15 | 基于射频功率调节的负离子源束流反馈控制研究 | 强激光与粒子束 | 舒先来 |
16 | 兆瓦级强流离子源长脉冲运行分析及实验研究 | 核技术 | 谢亚红 |
17 | Design optimization of slit aperture Faraday shield for RF ion source in CRAFT NNBI system | Fusion Engineering and Design | 王娜 |
18 | 负离子源全固态大功率射频源功率控制策略分析 | 核电子学与探测技术 | 舒先来 |
19 | Vacuum System Optimization for EAST Neutral Beam Injector | Energies | 章思 |
20 | CFETR N-NBI 验证样机恒温供水系统的设计 | Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics | 邑伟 |