

2020-12-23 | 作者:guanli | 来源:本站 | 【打印】【关闭】

序号 题目 期刊 作者
1 Thermal analysis of EAST neutral beam injectors for long-pulse beam operation Plasma Science and Technology 胡纯栋
2 The Development of Power Supply for Negative Ion Source Extraction Grid IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 胡纯栋
3 Development and first results of large area radio frequency plasma source for EAST neutral beam injector Fusion Engineering and Design 谢亚红
4 R&D Progress of high power ion source on EAST-NBI Plasma Science and Technology 谢亚红
5 Hefei utility negative ions test equipment with RF source: commissioning and first results Plasma Science and Technology 韦江龙
6 Development of a Utility Negative Ion Test Equipment With RF Source at ASIPP Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science 韦江龙
7 Feasibility Analysis of 1-D Carbon Material in Application of Negative Particle Beam Diagnostics Fusion Science and Technology 许永建
8 Analysis and Experimental Study of Impedance Matching Characteristic of RF Ion Source on Neutral Beam Injector IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 蒋才超
9 First prototype of high-speed data acquisition system of ion source for neutral beam injection on EAST Fusion Engineering and Design 刘伟
10 Design of a water-cooled tube for high-power and long-pulse radio frequency ion source Fusion Engineering and Design 顾玉明
11 The Development of Data Acquisition and Control System for Extraction Power Supply of Prototype RF Ion Source Plasma Science and Technology 黄梅初
12 射频离子源数据处理算法设计与分析 核电子学与探测技术 胡纯栋
13 EAST-NBI低温真空系统 真空 胡纯栋
14 中性束注入加热下旋转和Zeff对EAST中子出射影响的研究 核聚变与等离子体物理 陈玉庆
15 中性束注入器多通道远程真空测量系统设计 核电子学与探测技术 王铭翔
16 CFETR中性束系统验证样机充氢运行辐射分析与初步模拟计算 核技术 胡纯栋
17 Development of wavelength calibration techniques for high-resolution x-ray imaging crystal spectrometers on the EAST tokamak REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 吕波
18 Simultaneous measurement of C VI, Ne X, and Li III charge exchange lines on EAST REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 李颖颖
19 Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Applied to Study RMP Effects on Core Impurity Concentration in EAST IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE Germán Vogel
20 Measurement of impurity lines with two-crystal x-ray spectrometers on EAST Plasma Science and Technology 杨新帅
21 Upgrade of X-ray crystal spectrometer for high temperature measurement using neon-like xenon lines on EAST REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 胡睿佶