2018年度论文集 | |||
序号 | 题目 | 期刊 | 作者 |
1 | Thermal analysis of EAST neutral beam injectors for long-pulse beam operation | Plasma Science and Technology | 胡纯栋 |
2 | The Development of Power Supply for Negative Ion Source Extraction Grid | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | 胡纯栋 |
3 | Development and first results of large area radio frequency plasma source for EAST neutral beam injector | Fusion Engineering and Design | 谢亚红 |
4 | R&D Progress of high power ion source on EAST-NBI | Plasma Science and Technology | 谢亚红 |
5 | Hefei utility negative ions test equipment with RF source: commissioning and first results | Plasma Science and Technology | 韦江龙 |
6 | Development of a Utility Negative Ion Test Equipment With RF Source at ASIPP | Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science | 韦江龙 |
7 | Feasibility Analysis of 1-D Carbon Material in Application of Negative Particle Beam Diagnostics | Fusion Science and Technology | 许永建 |
8 | Analysis and Experimental Study of Impedance Matching Characteristic of RF Ion Source on Neutral Beam Injector | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | 蒋才超 |
9 | First prototype of high-speed data acquisition system of ion source for neutral beam injection on EAST | Fusion Engineering and Design | 刘伟 |
10 | Design of a water-cooled tube for high-power and long-pulse radio frequency ion source | Fusion Engineering and Design | 顾玉明 |
11 | The Development of Data Acquisition and Control System for Extraction Power Supply of Prototype RF Ion Source | Plasma Science and Technology | 黄梅初 |
12 | 射频离子源数据处理算法设计与分析 | 核电子学与探测技术 | 胡纯栋 |
13 | EAST-NBI低温真空系统 | 真空 | 胡纯栋 |
14 | 中性束注入加热下旋转和Zeff对EAST中子出射影响的研究 | 核聚变与等离子体物理 | 陈玉庆 |
15 | 中性束注入器多通道远程真空测量系统设计 | 核电子学与探测技术 | 王铭翔 |
16 | CFETR中性束系统验证样机充氢运行辐射分析与初步模拟计算 | 核技术 | 胡纯栋 |
17 | Development of wavelength calibration techniques for high-resolution x-ray imaging crystal spectrometers on the EAST tokamak | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS | 吕波 |
18 | Simultaneous measurement of C VI, Ne X, and Li III charge exchange lines on EAST | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS | 李颖颖 |
19 | Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Applied to Study RMP Effects on Core Impurity Concentration in EAST | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE | Germán Vogel |
20 | Measurement of impurity lines with two-crystal x-ray spectrometers on EAST | Plasma Science and Technology | 杨新帅 |
21 | Upgrade of X-ray crystal spectrometer for high temperature measurement using neon-like xenon lines on EAST | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS | 胡睿佶 |