2016年度论文集 |
序号 | 题目 | 期刊 | 作者 |
1 | Performance of positive ion based high power ion source of EAST neutral beam injector | Review of Sciences Instruments | 胡纯栋 |
2 | Analysis of the Pipe Heat Loss of the Water Flow Calorimetry System in EAST Neutral Beam Injector | Plasma Sciences and Technology | 胡纯栋 |
3 | Development and preliminary results of radio frequency ion source | Review of Sciences Instruments | 谢亚红 |
4 | Analysis of Effects of the Arc Voltage on Arc Discharges in a Cathode Ion Source of Neutral Beam Injector | Plasma Science and Technology | 陈俞钱 |
5 | 大面积 NBI 射频离子源电气参数设计分析 | 核聚变与等离子体物理 | 陈俞钱 |
6 | Progress of beam diagnosis system for EAST neutral beam injector | Review of Scientific Instruments | 许永建 |
7 | EAST中性束注入器水流热量累积测量系统误差分析 | 核技术 | 陈宇 |
8 | EAST-NBI反向电子吸收板换热计算与分析 | 核技术. | 许永建 |
9 | Analysis of Energy Deposition on Ion Source Components of EAST Neutral Beam Injector | FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 栗翔 |
10 | Analysis of Power Distribution on Beamline Components at Different Neutralization Efficiencies on NBI Test Stand | Plasma Sciences and Technology | 栗翔 |
11 | Thermodynamic analysis of a finned-tube heat exchanger used in G-M/J-T helium refrigerator for a cryoadsorption test facility | International Conference of Cryogenics and Refrigeration Technology | 刘智民 |
12 | EAST-NBI大功率电源系统研制进展 | 第五届全国加速器磁铁、电源和低温、真空技术研讨会 | 刘智民 |
13 | EAST中性束注入器电源故障实时监测系统设计 | 核电子学与探测技术 | 仇茹嘉 |
14 | EAST中性束注入器稳态偏转磁铁的参数设计与估算研究 | 核科学与工程 | 梁立振 |
15 | Design of the Prototype Negative Ion Source for Neutral Beam Injector at ASIPP | Plasma Science and Technology | 韦江龙 |
16 | Conceptual design of magnetic filter for the prototype negative ion source at ASIPP | Fusion Engineering and Design | 韦江龙 |
17 | Synchronous Output Control System of Two Megawatt Hot Cathode Bucket Ion Sources for NBI | Plasma Science and Technology | 赵远哲 |
18 | CFETR上alpha粒子波纹损失的数值模拟 | 核聚变与等离子体物理 | 郝保龙 |
19 | Activation and shutdown doserate analyses for the EAST NBI test facility | Nuclear Science and Techniques | 陈玉庆 |
20 | The Influence of Neutral Beam Injection on the Heating and Current Drive with Electron Cyclotron Wave on EAST | Plasma Science & Technology | 常鹏翔 |
21 | Simulation Analysis of Charge-Exchange Losses During Neutral Beam Injection on EAST | Journal of Fusion Energy | 王进芳 |
22 | Measurement of helium-like and hydrogen-like argon spectra using double-crystal X-ray spectrometers on EAST | Review of Sciences Instruments | 吕波 |
23 | First measurement of the edge charge exchange recombination spectroscopy on EAST tokamak | Review of scientific instruments | 李颖颖 |
24 | Upgrades of poloidal and tangential x-ray imaging crystal spectrometers for temperature and rotation measurements on EAST | Review of scientific instruments | 王福地 |
25 | Observation of Molybdenum Emission from Impurity-Induced Long-Lived m= 1 Mode on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak | Chinese Physics Letters | 沈永才 |
26 | 托卡马克等离子体杂质密度的光谱法测量研究 | 核技术 | 沈永才 |
27 | EAST上电荷交换复合光谱诊断波长标定研究 | 光学学报 | 尹相辉 |
28 | Observation of Central Toroidal Rotation Induced by ICRF on EAST | Plasma Science and Technology | 潘夏云 |
29 | EAST 托卡马克上截面效应对电荷交换复合光谱测量结果的影响 | 核技术 | 冯双园 |
30 | Fishbone Mode Excited by Deeply Trapped Energetic Beam Ions in EAST | Plasma Science and Technology | 郑婷 |
31 | Upgrade and experimental results of radio frequency ion source for neutral beam injection | Fusion Engineering and Design | 谢亚红 |
32 | Calculation of prompt loss and toroidal field ripple loss under neutral beam injection on EAST | Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 吴斌 |
33 | 强流RF 离子源研制及初步实验 | 核聚变与等离子体物理 | 顾玉明 |
34 | Development of Core Snubber for Neutral Beam Injector on EAST | Review of Sciences Instruments | 蒋才超 |
35 | Preliminary analysis of back-streaming electron on the source plasma region of ion sources for EAST-NBI | Plasma Sciences and Technology | 胡纯栋 |
36 | 中性束注入器电偏转系统的参数设计与估算研究 | 核聚变与等离子体物理 | 梁立振 |
37 | Beam Species Characteristics of High Current Ion Source for EAST Neutral Beam Injector | Applied Physics Research | 王艳 |
38 | 中性束注入器水流热量计系统优化分析 | 核电子学与探测技术 | 于玲 |
39 | 用于NBI的红外畸变图像修正方法研究 | 核电子学与探测技术 | 许永建 |
40 | 强流离子源光腔衰荡光谱应用研究 | 光谱学与光谱分析 | 胡纯栋 |
41 | Improved spatial calibration for the CXRS system on EAST | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS | 尹相辉 |