2015年度论文集 |
序号 | 题目 | 期刊 | 作者 |
1 | Overview of Development Status for EAST-NBI System | Plasma Sciences and Technology, 17,10(2015):817-825 | 胡纯栋 |
2 | Performance of positive ion based high power ion source of EAST neutral beam injector | 第十六届国际离子源会议, 美国纽约 | 胡纯栋 |
3 | Progress and future developments of high current ion source for neutral beam injector in the ASIPP | 第四届国际负离子、束及源研讨会. 德国伽兴 | 胡纯栋 |
4 | The Recent Development of the EAST Neutral Beam Injector. Chinese Physics Letters | Chinese Physics Letters, 32,5(2015): 052901-1,052901-4 | 胡纯栋 |
5 | 中性束注入器研制进展 | 核技术, 38,11(2015): 110603-1,110603-4. | 胡纯栋 |
6 | Analysis of ion beam optics of tetrode accelerator for neutral beam injector on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 791(2015):22-26. | 谢亚红 |
7 | Upgrade of accelerator of high current ion source for EAST neutral beam injector | Fusion Engineering and Design, 100(2015):265-268. | 谢亚红 |
8 | Development and preliminary results of radio frequency ion source | 第十六届国际离子源会议, 美国纽约. | 谢亚红 |
9 | A new method of rapid power measurement for MW-scale high-current particle beams | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 795,(2015):196-199. | 许永建 |
10 | Thermodynamic Analysis of G-M/J-T Helium Refrigeration Cycle for a Cryoadsorption Test Facility | JOURNAL OF FUSION ENERGY, 35,5(2015):1188-1192. | 刘智民 |
11 | Preliminary experimental study of deuterium beam species for the EAST neutral beam injector by Doppler shift spectroscopy | Physica Scripta, 90(4), 45603. | 梁立振 |
12 | Ion beam optics analysis and beam transmission simulation in the reflection magnet of the EAST NBI system | Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52(4):481-489. | 梁立振 |
13 | Development of Distributed Control System for Neutral Beam Injector on EAST | Plasma Science and Technology, 17,7(2015):601-606. | 盛鹏 |
14 | The Timing System of the Neutral Beam Injector on EAST | Plasma Science and Technology, 17,5(2015):425-429. | 盛鹏 |
15 | A new regulation method of stable operation of high power cathode ion source | Review of Sciences Instruments, 86, 5(2015): 056110-1, 056110-3. | 蒋才超 |
16 | 东方超环准稳态中性束注入装置束流限制器结构设计 | 原子能科学技术, 49,B10(2015):492-496 | 陶玲 |
17 | Optimization of Accelerating Grid for EAST Neutral Beam Injector Ion Source | Journal of Fusion Energy , 34,3(2015):500-503. | 李军 |
18 | Design of monitoring system of cooling water system in EAST neutral beam injector | journal of fusion energy, 34,5(2015):1002-1008. | 宋士花 |
19 | Temperature measurement system of EAST neutral beam Injector | Journal of fusion energy, 34,2(2015):245-249. | 于玲 |
20 | Activation and shutdown dose rates analyses for EAST NBI test facility | Nuclear Science and Techniques. | 陈玉庆 |
21 | Initial Operation of the the First Neutral Beamline on EAST | FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 101(2015):56-60. | 王骥 |
22 | Design of the filter spectroscopy for the measurement of the plasma ion temperature and rotation on the EAST tokamak | Chinese Optics Letters, 13,s2(2015). | 李颖颖 |
23 | EAST装置上ERD光谱诊断系统设计 | 核聚变与等离子体物理, 35,4(2015):302-307. | 李颖颖 |
24 | Impurity emission behavior in the soft x-ray and extreme ultraviolet range on EAST | Plasma Science and Technology, 17,3(2015):183-187. | 沈永才 |
25 | Investigation of Toroidal Acceleration and Potential Acceleration Forces in EAST and J-TEXT Plasmas | Plasma and Fusion Research, 10(2015):3402069-1,3402069-5. | 王福地 |
26 | Preliminary results of absolute wavelength calibration of imaging X-ray crystal spectrometer on EAST | Fusion Engineering and Design, 96-97,10(2015):844-847. | 潘夏云 |
27 | EAST托卡马克电荷交换复合光谱诊断的对强度标定 | 核技术, 38,7(2015),070603. | 张镱 |
28 | Calibration of the toroidal Charge eXchange Recombination Spectroscopy system on EAST | Fusion Engineering and Design, 96-97,10(2016):840-843. | 张镱 |
29 | 托卡马克弯晶谱仪双晶体结构应用的初步研究 | 核技术, 38,11(2015), 110403. | 陈俊 |
30 | One-dimensional modelling of limit-cycle oscillation and H-mode power scaling | Nuclear Fusion, 55,5 (2015), 053029-1,053029-12. | 伍兴权 |
31 | Calculation of Neutral Beam Injected Torque and Its Effective Tangency Major Radius for EAST | Plasma Science & Technology, 17,7(2015): 545-551. | 伍兴权 |
32 | Numerical Simulation of Non-Inductive Current Driven Scenario in EAST Using Neutral Beam Injection | Plasma Science and Technology, 17,1(2015):10-13. | 李昊 |
33 | Utilizing resonant magnetic perturbations to enhance neoclassical tearing mode stabilization by rf current | Nuclear Fusion, 55(2015):093024. | 王小光 |
34 | numerical study on of neoclassical tearing modes by electron cyclotron current drive | Physics of Plasmas, 22(2015),022512. | 王小光 |
35 | Calculation of Alpha Particle Ripple Loss From the CFETR | Journal of Fusion Energy, 34,3(2015):659-665. | 郝保龙 |
36 | Analysis of effects of the arc voltage on arc discharges in a cathode ion source of neutral beam injector | Plasma Science & Technology, 18(2016). | 陈俞钱 |
37 | EAST NBI强流离子源反向电子流沉积计算 | 原子能科学技术, 49(2015):14-18. | 陈俞钱 |
38 | 大面积NBI射频离子源等离子体激发特性分析 | 核聚变与等离子体物理, 31,2(2016). | 陈俞钱 |
39 | EAST-NBI磁偏转系统束传输特性模拟研究 | High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 27,4(2015), 046002—1,046002—6. | 赵祥学 |
40 | Preliminary Experimental Study of Shine-Through Power for EAST-NBI by Infrared Pyrometer | Journal of Fusion Energy, 34,4(2015):925-929. | 赵祥学 |
41 | Beam species evolution under long pulse operation for EAST-NBI by doppler shift spectroscopy diagnostic system | JOURNAL OF FUSION ENERGY, 34,3(2015):615-619. | 王艳 |
42 | Design of Experimental Data Publishing Software for Neutral Beam Injector on EAST | Plasma Science and Technology, 17,2(2015):173-176. | 张睿 |
43 | 基于网络的中性束注入控制系统管理软件 | 计算机系统应用. | 虞珊 |
44 | NBI射频离子源探针信号采集系统设计 | 计算机系统应用. | 高洋洋 |
45 | 核聚变实验装置110kV大容量变电站运行及负荷分配优化的研究 | 电气应用, 34,21(2015). | 仇茹嘉 |