

2020-12-23 | 作者:guanli | 来源:本站 | 【打印】【关闭】

1Overview of Development Status for EAST-NBI SystemPlasma Sciences and Technology, 17,10(2015):817-825胡纯栋
2Performance of positive ion based high power ion source of EAST neutral beam injector第十六届国际离子源会议, 美国纽约胡纯栋
3Progress and future developments of high current ion source for neutral beam injector in the ASIPP第四届国际负离子、束及源研讨会. 德国伽兴胡纯栋
4The Recent Development of the EAST Neutral Beam Injector. Chinese Physics LettersChinese Physics Letters, 32,5(2015): 052901-1,052901-4胡纯栋
5中性束注入器研制进展核技术, 38,11(2015): 110603-1,110603-4.胡纯栋
6Analysis of ion beam optics of tetrode accelerator for neutral beam injector on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting TokamakNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 791(2015):22-26.谢亚红
7Upgrade of accelerator of high current ion source for EAST neutral beam injectorFusion Engineering and Design, 100(2015):265-268.谢亚红
8Development and preliminary results of radio frequency ion source第十六届国际离子源会议, 美国纽约.谢亚红
9A new method of rapid power measurement for MW-scale high-current particle beamsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 795,(2015):196-199.许永建
10Thermodynamic Analysis of G-M/J-T Helium Refrigeration Cycle for a Cryoadsorption Test FacilityJOURNAL OF FUSION ENERGY, 35,5(2015):1188-1192.刘智民
11Preliminary experimental study of deuterium beam species for the EAST neutral beam injector by Doppler shift spectroscopyPhysica Scripta, 90(4), 45603.梁立振
12Ion beam optics analysis and beam transmission simulation in the reflection magnet of the EAST NBI systemJournal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52(4):481-489.梁立振
13Development of Distributed Control System for Neutral Beam Injector on EASTPlasma Science and Technology, 17,7(2015):601-606.盛鹏
14The Timing System of the Neutral Beam Injector on EASTPlasma Science and Technology, 17,5(2015):425-429.盛鹏
15A new regulation method of stable operation of high power cathode ion sourceReview of Sciences Instruments, 86, 5(2015): 056110-1, 056110-3.蒋才超
16东方超环准稳态中性束注入装置束流限制器结构设计原子能科学技术, 49,B10(2015):492-496陶玲
17Optimization of Accelerating Grid for EAST Neutral Beam Injector Ion SourceJournal of Fusion Energy , 34,3(2015):500-503.李军
18Design of monitoring system of cooling water system in EAST neutral beam injectorjournal of fusion energy, 34,5(2015):1002-1008.宋士花
19Temperature measurement system of EAST neutral beam InjectorJournal of fusion energy, 34,2(2015):245-249.于玲
20Activation and shutdown dose rates analyses for EAST NBI test facilityNuclear Science and Techniques.陈玉庆
21Initial Operation of the the First Neutral Beamline on EASTFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, 101(2015):56-60.王骥
22Design of the filter spectroscopy for the measurement of the plasma ion temperature and rotation on the EAST tokamakChinese Optics Letters, 13,s2(2015).李颖颖
23EAST装置上ERD光谱诊断系统设计核聚变与等离子体物理, 35,4(2015):302-307.李颖颖
24Impurity emission behavior in the soft x-ray and extreme ultraviolet range on EASTPlasma Science and Technology, 17,3(2015):183-187.沈永才
25Investigation of Toroidal Acceleration and Potential Acceleration Forces in EAST and J-TEXT PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Research, 10(2015):3402069-1,3402069-5.王福地
26Preliminary results of absolute wavelength calibration of imaging X-ray crystal spectrometer on EASTFusion Engineering and Design, 96-97,10(2015):844-847.潘夏云
27EAST托卡马克电荷交换复合光谱诊断的对强度标定核技术, 38,7(2015),070603.张镱
28Calibration of the toroidal Charge eXchange Recombination Spectroscopy system on EASTFusion Engineering and Design, 96-97,10(2016):840-843.张镱
29托卡马克弯晶谱仪双晶体结构应用的初步研究核技术, 38,11(2015), 110403.陈俊
30One-dimensional modelling of limit-cycle oscillation and H-mode power scalingNuclear Fusion, 55,5 (2015), 053029-1,053029-12.伍兴权
31Calculation of Neutral Beam Injected Torque and Its Effective Tangency Major Radius for EASTPlasma Science & Technology, 17,7(2015): 545-551.伍兴权
32Numerical Simulation of Non-Inductive Current Driven Scenario in EAST Using Neutral Beam InjectionPlasma Science and Technology, 17,1(2015):10-13.李昊
33Utilizing resonant magnetic perturbations to enhance neoclassical tearing mode stabilization by rf currentNuclear Fusion, 55(2015):093024.王小光
34numerical study on of neoclassical tearing modes by electron cyclotron current drivePhysics of Plasmas, 22(2015),022512.王小光
35Calculation of Alpha Particle Ripple Loss From the CFETRJournal of Fusion Energy, 34,3(2015):659-665.郝保龙
36Analysis of effects of the arc voltage on arc discharges in a cathode ion source of neutral beam injectorPlasma Science & Technology, 18(2016).陈俞钱
37EAST NBI强流离子源反向电子流沉积计算原子能科学技术, 49(2015):14-18.陈俞钱
38大面积NBI射频离子源等离子体激发特性分析核聚变与等离子体物理, 31,2(2016).陈俞钱
39EAST-NBI磁偏转系统束传输特性模拟研究High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 27,4(2015), 046002—1,046002—6.赵祥学
40Preliminary Experimental Study of Shine-Through Power for EAST-NBI by Infrared PyrometerJournal of Fusion Energy, 34,4(2015):925-929.赵祥学
41Beam species evolution under long pulse operation for EAST-NBI by doppler shift spectroscopy diagnostic systemJOURNAL OF FUSION ENERGY, 34,3(2015):615-619.王艳
42Design of Experimental Data Publishing Software for Neutral Beam Injector on EASTPlasma Science and Technology, 17,2(2015):173-176.张睿
45核聚变实验装置110kV大容量变电站运行及负荷分配优化的研究电气应用, 34,21(2015).仇茹嘉