2014年度论文集 |
序号 | 题目 | 期刊 | 作者 |
1 | First Achievement of Plasma Heating for EAST Neutral Beam Injector | Plasma Science and Technology. 17,1(2014) | 胡纯栋 |
2 | Design and Development of a Power Supply System for NBI Test Stand of EAST | Journal of Fusion Energy. 33,4(2014) | 刘智民 |
3 | RF 离子源大功率射频电源传输回路的研究 | 第四届全国加速器磁铁、电源技术研讨会,四川绵阳,2014 | 刘智民 |
4 | EAST NBI综合测试台离子源电源系统的测试研究 | 核聚变与等离子体物理. 34, 2(2014) | 刘智民 |
5 | Data Acquisition System of Neutral Beam Injector on EAST | Journal of Fusion Energy. 33,5(2014) | 盛鹏 |
6 | The NBI Control System for the EAST | Journal of Fusion Energy. 33,5(2014) | 盛鹏 |
7 | A networked control system for EAST neutral beam injector | Advanced Materials Research.33,6(2014) | 盛鹏 |
8 | Overview of control system of neutral beam injection on EAST | 2014 International Conference on Advanced Control, Automation and Robotics(ACAR2014),香港 | 盛鹏 |
9 | EAST中性束注入控制系统设计 | 强激光与粒子束. 26,10(2014) | 盛鹏 |
10 | Analysis of Power Deposition on Heat Load Components for neutral beam injector | Journal of Fusion Energy. 33,6(2014) | 许永建 |
11 | The Latest Development of EAST Neutral Beam Injector | 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2014 | 许永建 |
12 | Measurement of Key Parameters for EAST Neutral Beam Injector | 第十二届加速器物理学术交流会,甘肃兰州,2014 | 许永建 |
13 | Optimization of Accelerating Grid for EAST Neutral Beam Injector Ion Source | Journal of Fusion Energy, 33,6(2014) | 李军 |
14 | Ion beam optics analysis and beam transmission simulation in the relection magnet of the EAST NBI system | Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, in press | 梁立振 |
15 | Estimation of Excitation Coefficient by Floating Wire Technique for Reflection Magnet of EAST NBI | J Fusion Energ, 33,2(2014) | 梁立振 |
16 | 东方超环准稳态中性束注入装置束流限制器结构设计及传热学分析 | 第二届中国粒子加速器会议(CPAC2014),湖北,武汉 | 陶玲 |
17 | Investigation of the adhesive bonding technology for the insulator structure of EAST neutral beam injector | Review of Scientific Instruments, 85,7(2014) | 韦江龙 |
18 | EAST中性束注入器束中性化区气流模拟分析 | 真空,51,4(2014) | 韦江龙 |
19 | Effect of plasma rotation on neutral beam heating and current drive in tokamaks | Journal of Fusion Energy, 33,1(2014) | 王进芳 |
20 | The Simulation of Certain Properties of Plasma Affecting Beam-Driven Current in EAST | Journal of Fusion Energy, 33(2014) | 王骥 |
21 | NBI综合测试台真空监控系统设计 | 真空科学与技术学报,34,4(2014) | 宋士花 |
22 | 西门子PLC在EAST-NBI上的应用 | 第二届粒子加速器会议,武汉,2014 | 宋士花 |
23 | EAST-NBI温度测量系统 | 第二届粒子加速器会议,武汉,2014 | 于玲 |
24 | Design and implementation of equipment management software for EAST neutral beam injector | Advanced Materials Research, 917(2014) | 崔庆龙 |
25 | Upgrades of imaging x-ray crystal spectrometers for high-resolution and high-temperature plasma diagnostics on EAST | Review of Scientific Instruments, 85,11(2014) | 吕波 |
26 | Core Plasma Rotation Characteristics of RF-heated H-mode Discharges on EAST | 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, St.Pertersburg, Russia, 2014 | 吕波 |
27 | Preparations for the motional Stark effect diagnostic on EAST | Review of Scientific Instruments, 85,11(2014) | 符佳 |
28 | Development of the charge exchange recombination spectroscopy and the beam emission spectroscopy on the EAST tokamak | Review of Scientific Instruments, 85,11(2014) | 李颖颖 |
29 | Investigation of toroidal acceleration and potential acceleration forces in EAST and J-TEXT plasmas | 24th International Toki Conference, Toki, Japan, 2014 | 王福地 |
30 | Numerical Study on Ripple Loss of Neutral Beam-Injected Fast Ions in EAST | Journal of Fusion Energy, 33,4(2014) | 李吉波 |
31 | Electrical Parameter Measurement System of the Ion Source for EAST Neutral Beam Injector | Journal of Fusion Energy, 33,1(2014) | 田中俊 |
32 | Application Software of Main Control Server for Neutral Beam Injection Control System | Journal of Fusion Energy, 33,4(2014) | 赵远哲 |
33 | Using Shared Memory for EAST-NBI Control Server Application Software | ICMEA 2014, 北京 | 赵远哲 |
34 | Data Server Application Software for Neutral Beam Injection Control System | Journal of Fusion Energy, 33,2(2014) | 张小丹 |
35 | The Implementation of Computer Data Processing Software for EAST NBI | Plasma Science and Technology, 16,10(2014) | 张小丹 |
36 | The Introduction of Neutral Beam Injection Control System on EAST | 2014 International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Technology, 北京, 2014 | 张小丹 |
37 | Design and Application of Experimental Configuration Query Software for EAST NBI | Journal of Fusion Energy, 33,5(2014) | 张小丹 |
38 | Development of Data Processing software for NBI Spectroscopic Analysis System | Plasma Science and Technology, in press | 张小丹 |
39 | "Hot Cathode's Working Voltage Impacts on the Operation of High Current Ion Source" | Journal of Fusion Energy, 33(2014) | 陈俞钱 |
40 | Experimental Data Publishing Based on Browser/Server for Neutral Beam Injection in EAST | Advanced Materials Research, 989-994(2014) | 张睿 |
41 | EAST 4MW 中性束注入放电模拟研究 | 核聚变与等离子体物理,34,1(2014) | 李昊 |
42 | EAST-NBI偏转磁体线圈水冷能力分析与测试研究 | 核技术,37,12(2014) | 赵祥学 |
43 | 4.5K G-M/J-T混合式氦制冷系统设计与分析 | 第四届全国粒子加速器真空、低温技术研讨会,江苏省,无锡市,2014 | 马长城 |
44 | Studies on the matching network of the high power radio frequency transmitter for the NBI RF ion source | Journal of Fusion Energy, in press | 苏仁雪 |
45 | High-Speed Optical Signal Processing System Based on DSP for Neutral Beam Injector on EAST | Journal of Fusion Energy, DOI 10.1007/s10894-014-9730-5 | 林宇莲 |